
I can remember always having a camera with me from the time I was young. I loved capturing the moments I was living. I knew it would always be important for me to look back on my life and not only see my memories but truly feel them. I think that is why photography found me. It is true of me that you can find me most of the time with a camera in my hands. My friends and family understand that fully. I am grateful to capture and document the real moments of our lives. That is why my photography won't always be the "perfect" everyone looking at the camera pictures. I live for the moments when my clients forget I'm even there and just be. My daddy made me appreciate those kind of moments. His passing made me even more passionate about my photography. Grandparent pictures are one of my favorites! To see generation after generation and the love that lives forever honestly touches my soul. I would be honored to capture your memories for you. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your lives. I hope my photography will allow you to always feel the moments you live.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My heart is full....

With a grateful heart I say thanks.  I am SO grateful to the Lord for blessing me with these wonderful kids.  I am learning so much about them and myself everyday.  I knew the moment each one of them was born I would be different.  I pray everyday that they grown into people who love God and have a heart for people.  All people.  Jude, I am thankful for your spirit.  Isabella.. I am thankful for your heart.  Dudley.. I am thankful for your passion. 

I am also thankful for this.  You are my best friend.  You are the one I dream about growing old with.. You are the one who loves me .. in spite of me.  You are determined to make our lives better.   I know I don't say it enough but I am thankful for all of it.  I am thankful for the last 18 years with you.
I am thankful for our crazy, busy, simple, creative, passionate and beautiful life.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

my hero

In memory of my hero...  my daddy
               Thanks to all the men and women who have served and are serving our amazing country.

Friday, November 9, 2012

You keep me JUMPING!

Oh my.. Oh my.. Dudley Paul.  You are almost two and I can't believe it!  You love me and challenge me.  You make me adore you everyday.  Thank you for loving me and letting me love you.  You had my heart before I even knew of you....

It is not halloween...

I walked in the house and found you staring at yourself in the mirror.  I didn't realize until you turned around that you looked like this.  I could tell by the professionalism of the mustache that it was NOT done by you!  Isabella confessed and said but mama... he is just SOOOOO cute now.  I said ISABELLA.. IT'S NOT HALLOWEEN AND THAT WAS NOT A WASHABLE MARKER!

this... this WAS halloween.  Meet my little cow kids. :)

in the same boat!

I loved spending my sunday evening with all of you.  I can't say your name without saying miss Shelby (steel magnolias).... so.. miss Shelby THANK YOU.  Thanks for letting me chase all your little ones around.  They make me smile and make my heart full.  And boy are we in the same boat with our boys.  It's so comforting to have someone who understands what stage in life I'm in.  I'm glad we can laugh together about them!  You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.  Thanks for sharing your family with me.  

and... drew... I can only say sorry.  :)  we will never make you go through that again.  until next year.  

my how you've grown.

Miss Tatum.  You are SO stinkin cute!  Seriously!  You make my work so easy.  I'm so glad your mommy and daddy bring you and come see me every year.  I'm grateful to have known them my entire life.  You are such a beautiful reflection of them. 

You Shine...

I had so much fun with Lauren on her senior shoot!  She was so fun and sweet.  God was so good to give us such great weather for her shoot.  I pray you enjoy every moment of this last year in Chandler.  

You are SEVEN!!!!

My sweet Isabella... you are seven.  You are beautiful.  You are kind.  You are lovable.  You are my girl.  You are an amazing big and little sister.  You are exactly who God created you to be.  I hope you always know how much my heart loves you.  I hope you always know how proud I am of you.  I hope you always know I have prayed for you every day of your life.  I am so thankful to God for giving you  to us.  My sweet Isabella.